Selasa, 27 September 2011

Belajar dari sampah

Selasa pagi... kuawali hari dengan rasa kantuk yang begitu kuat... mungkin karena mendung.. atau juga karena semalam ada yang ngajak ngobrol sampai jam 2 pagi *perlahan mengumpulkan kekuatan mata untuk melek dan melempar selimut kuningku ke pojok kasur*

hari ini sedikit moody setelah perbincangan berat dengan humpty *a nick name i used to call him*. pretty tough, but there was a light and warm feeling inside as i had faith that things were going to be okay *sing along entertaining myself inside*.

yup.. nothing special... *diluar nafsu makan yang menggila hari ini... nasi padang dan disusul oleh traktiran bakso gepeng seorang teman-Intan Intoon-yang kemaren berulang tahun*

guilty feeling semakin bertambah karena batal nge-gym gara gara Surepiwati ga bawa peralatan perang... ya sud laaaah... masih ada besok *ngurangin rasa salah numpuk lemak*

sampai dirumah, tepatnya di kos... supaya terdengar ramai, TV aku nyalakan... bosan dengan lagu lagu dan reality show ga mutu dari TV kabel... sengaja aku cari program lokal. entah apa nama program itu.. yang pasti mengenai kehidupan nyata seseorang... dan hari ini mengenai keluarga seorang pemulung yang tinggal di Sukabumi.

seorang bapak yang memiliki 6 orang anak dan seorang istri hidup dari memulung. jam kerja yang begitu panjang. dari jam 4 pagi sampai jam 12 malam.. *apa ga pernah komplain ya... gwe aja kadang suka restless lama2 di kelas alias kerja*

i think most of us would probably think that it is impossible to keep 6 children and one wife only by doing ''garbage collecting''. it's very hard. that man needs to really work on his but very hard to get more garbage to support his big family.

even for daily meals, he collects some left over food thrown by other people. he grabs some vegetables and rotten food to be recooked by his wife.

it happens daily... those kids consume the food that are not healthy and consuming those unhealthy food for long term will cause many health problems *amit amit... semoga tidak terjadi... ga adil rasanya kalau itu terjadi.. mereka seperti itu karena memang harus menjalani hidup seperti itu... seandainya ada pilihan yang lebih baik*

to increase the income... he collects some chicken fur from the traditional market. the smell is really sucks!!! but he is highly motivated to give a better life for his family... for his children's future.

he dries that chicken fur and sell them with considerably low price. ''It's not about how much i gain from this fur... it is about how much i am being grateful of what i am getting'' he said.

hearing that words coming through his mouth... it knocked my door. it open my eyes that sometimes, people just don't care about what have been given to them. they never feel grateful. in fact, they ask for more and more... greedy human beings...

if we stop asking for more and just realize how blessed we are to get what we are having so far.... life would be more meaningful.

put your head down a bit... see those 'small' people who live with some limitations... not because they want to... just because they have to.. look how they can still enjoy life and say 'Alhamdullilah' to every little thing they get.

sampah adalah hasil akhir yang selama ini dianggap menjijikan, kotor, penuh kuman dan tidak bermanfaat. tapi bagi beberapa (read:banyak) orang, sampah memberikan kehidupan... menjadikan sumber berkah yang begitu besar...

learning from this story... be grateful for everything we have. never forget that even the smallest thing come into our life is actually a bless.

have a blessed night everyone!

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